13th October, 2010
All Officers from the level of Executive Officers and equivalent cadre to the level of Additional Secretary and equivalent cadres
It is informed to the concern that –
  • Revised pay w.e.f. 01.01.2006 arising out of recommendations of the Sixth Pay Commission made applicable to its employees by the Government of India has been given effect to the officers from the level of Executive Officers and equivalent cadre to the level of Additional Secretary and equivalent cadres of the Institute.
  • The difference of pay, if any, due to revision for the month of September, 2010 has been credited to the concerned bank account on 13.10.2010 to the Officers of Head office including Vishwas Nagar and Noida.
  • Provisional revised pay for the month of September, 2010 is available in the intranet of the Institute.
  • There will be a uniform date of annual increment, viz. 1st July of every year.
  • If an Officer who has been promoted during the period 01.01.2006 and 30.09.2008 between 2nd January to 30th June of a particular year, he will not get his increment on 1st July of that year but they can opt to get his pay fixed from the date of his next increment, then on the date of promotion, pay in the pay band shall continue unchanged but the grade pay of higher post will be granted. Further, re-fixation will be done on the date of his next increment i.e., 1st July of the year. On that day, he will be granted two increments, one annual increment and the second on account of promotion. While computing these two increments, basic pay prior to the date of promotion shall be taken into account. Hence, the fixation shall be done on the above basis for those cases whose promotion fall between 2nd January to 30th June of a particular year. For that purpose, Officer is required to give option if he/she desires, on or before 25.10.2010 otherwise it is presumed that no option is exercised and the pay on promotion has been fixed without option. Form of Option– on promotion is available on the intranet of the Institute.
  • Subject to audit, statement of revised pay fixation of individual concerned will be given separately and payment of arrears and further settlement of dues will be made subsequently. For that purpose, all the Officers concerned are requested to given an undertaking on or before 25.10.2010 to the effect that any excess payment that may be found to have been made as a result of incorrect fixation of pay or any excess payment detected in the light of discrepancies noticed subsequently will be refunded by the Officer concerned to the Institute either by adjustment against future payments due to him or otherwise. The Undertaking form is also available in the intranet of the Institute.
(CA. Tapas Datta)
Addl. Director (HRD, P&A)
Copy to
President’s / Vice-President’s / Secretary’s Secretariat
EDP Section : for hosting on website
Regional Heads and DCOs
Form of Option- On Promotion
