No. ICAI / HRD(P) /3/2013 17th January, 2013

All HODs / Secretaries to Committees and Officials in the cadre of Assistant Secretaries / Assistant Directors and above.

Sub: Workshop on Performance Management System- M/s. Mercer

As you are kindly aware, the ICAI has engaged M/s Mercer for an HR Transformation Project spanning across various areas of HR such as HR Systems Diagnostic, Performance Management Diagnostic and Redesign, Compensation and Benefits analysis etc. As a part of the project initiative, M/s Mercer has studied the existing Appraisal system (Performance Management System) at ICAI through meetings with various employees, focused group discussions at various locations and study of existing data and documents.

M/s Mercer has formulated a revised Performance Management System for ICAI based on this study and the same is subject to discussions (also incorporating inputs from industry practices and benchmarks). The key decision points as per the revised Performance Management System have been presented in this document (copy enclosed) for your inputs and feedback. For this, Mercer needs to have a Brainstorming session with the HODs / Secretaries to the Committees and all officials in the cadre of Assistant Secretaries / Assistant Directors and above.

In this regard, a workshop is scheduled to be conducted on 28th and 29th January, 2013 at Annexe Building Auditorium, New Delhi, for development of a comprehensive design of the system. The schedule of the workshop to be conducted is as under:-

S.No Particulars Date Batch timings
1 All HODs / Secretaries to the Committees and officials in the cadre of Deputy Secretaries / Deputy Directors and above as per list enclosed 28th January, 2013 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.
2 p.m. - 5 p.m.
2 All officials in the cadre of Assistant Secretaries / Assistant Directors and Sr. Assistant Secretaries / Sr. Assistant Directors not included above. 29th January, 2013 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.
2 p.m. - 5 p.m.

Workshop will be preceded / succeeded by Lunch on both the days.

You are requested to contribute to make this exercise an interactive one.

(Seema Gerotra)
Deputy Director (HRD, P)